Sunday, July 13, 2008

"I'm Easy Like Sunday Morning"

Today was a good day. I got up early and put two small roasts  and some spices into the crock-pot ( Currently, I am the only one doing the vegetarian week), then  headed out to the yard. I had Marigolds and some Zinnias to plant and wanted to get them done before it got too hot. The sun was just beginning to heat things up when things got a bit dark and the sun disappeared. I was grateful for this but afraid that a cloud-burst might spoil my plans. Fortunately, it was just overcast. I was able to work with a nice cool breeze going.

I went over to my experimental section where I sowed the Marigolds and dropped in a few Zinnias. I am not what one would call an organized gardener and just want to see what springs up along the way. This is the area that I planted in:

I want to put some lawn edging to keep my puppy off the area. I saw some the other day while stocking up for a dollar a piece for three sections. That is a lot less expensive than the brick edgings that I wanted to use. I was going to use the rest of my garden fence,but will save it to put around my raised beds. I will have to keep her from running through there as well. She likes to tear through the garden but is still cute as a button:

After planting the flowers, I straightened up the back yard a bit. I picked up a lot of things that were strewn by last night's storms. There were several branches and other debris scattered across the back yard. I put all the tools into the tool holder:

After that, it was on to the "Germination/Propagation Station". I started in small containers: Onions, Lettuce, Spinach, Broccoli,Pumpkin, Winter Squash, Sugar Snap peas, sweet peas, green beans, and will add potatoes to the mix. Here is my experimental section. I will use my raised beds for the late fall plants.

After a while, the cool breeze turned into very strong winds. A few drops of rain fell but nothing serious. I went inside to get a cake ready to go into the oven only to hear a VERY strong pick-up in the wind. I was afraid that my newly planted seeds would blow off the porch. I didn't have any tarp to set upon them as a wind guard, so used my raincoat to cover them and anchored the shelf with an old ten pound weight.

While doing this, I again began to think about a greenhouse. Then I had an epiphany. Sitting on the porch is my son's tent/playhouse. I wondered if I could turn it into a greenhouse. It is waterproof, windproof, and will get warm enough to help the plants develop with having the sun scorch them directly. I can just pick him up another one to put in the yard. I will contemplate on it further. I might have found my answer.

Once I was finished outside, I went back inside to get the cake going. I finished it and finally got it into the oven. I also finished up the sides to go with tonight's dinner. Here is the cake:

And here is tonight's veggie plate:

Yes, things are looking good in the garden, or on the "Homestead" as my other "New Age" farmer friends and I call it.

No better way to spend a nice Sunday morning.


Anonymous said...

Will you be telling your son that his tent/bat-cave/home/hideout/playhouse is being turned into a greenhouse nursery? LOL
It does sound like you had a lovely Sunday morning. I can't think if anything better either. Perhaps you can do it again next Sunday.

Anonymous said...

From your photos you sure look like an organized gardener to me! Your little pup gets cuter by the day! Oh and that cake looks unbelievable! I want some!! Dinner looks yummy too -- but I want the cake, NOW! I already told you I think the tent is a fantastic idea for a makeshift greenhouse, I really think it will work! Your garden is looking great!
FM :-)

Anonymous said...

Very, very nice. I love it and I love the idea of the tent green house. You have to let us know how that works out. Very cool idea.
