I felt discouraged and tired and just couldn't keep my eyes open. Every inch of my body ached and I had a lot on my mind. I am thinking about how to present my Theatre project and have to read and study 6 chapters of information. Information that is boring and seldom on the Professor's test. I know that I just need to get it over with, but it is hanging over my head, stressing me out and very taxing. It will be hard enough when I have to re-tackle the algebra next month. But, it is what it is.
To kind of catch up and get my mind on other things, I went out in the yard today. I did mostly clearing, composting and filling in the compromised areas of the fence. I was able to use some of the dirt that was under the stack of leaves to glean some dirt from. This is the area of leaves that I cleared out today.
An extra bonus of the leaves was a spot underneath the dirt was pliable enough to get dirt to fill in the compromised area of the fence.
The jet black dirt is topsoil that I had put out there a few weeks ago. The leaves and dirt that I got from the refuse area is the lighter colored dirt directly against the fence.
This is a better picture of how I used the leaves and straw to act as filler. The leftover that wasn't used for compost I used to smother the immense poison ivy that is on the other side of my fence. I paid 800 dollars to have the poison ivy roots cut and to have straw as a cover. This summer you would never tell that anyone had done anything to the area at all. The green mass in the background is just some of the poison ivy. Any excess clippings or anything else that comes out of the yard that I can't use will be used to smother the poison ivy.
The happy smiling face is the box that is full of compost. I guess he is happy that his belly is full of cooking compost!
Once I clear out the junk in this area, I am going to plant my Sunflower seed plants. I am hopin they will also add some privacy at that end of the yard. On each side of the fence I plan to plant something. Especially something with vines. I hope to plant both blueberries and either scuppernongs (muscadines) or cherries next summer. Strawberries are a definite as well. I hope to hone up on as much information so that I can plant sometime in March right after the last frost has passed.
All in all, I got a lot done today and felt pretty good while working. I don't know what it is, but just being outside and working hard makes me forget about almost everything as long as I am busy. I cherish it.
I almost forgot. The mailman delivered a very special package from Farmer Martha in Florida.
Thank you Farmer Martha!!!
I wanted to come back to leave another comment this morning (I was in too much shock last night when I first saw this!). Congrats on all you have accomplished so far, you've come a long way! Congrats on the new journal too! Martha :-)
Thanks fellow farmer Martha!!!
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