Yep, it's the big "48" for me today. Nothing much going on just happy to have made it to another year. Yep, whoever made the cake in the picture sure had the right idea. A great weekend to all and "Go Steelers!!!!!" Hope everyone is well,
Till next time...
Well, Happy Birthday my friend!!!
I hope things are going well and I hope your team wins. I'm not a football fan but I'll root for you! :-)
Happy Birthday! Don't know much about this football thing, but I might as well root for your team. Go Steelers!
Once again - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
You might change your mind on the team after I sent you an email I got - I know I did. Enjoy your birthday weekend! Love and hugs :-)
Happy Birthday Sweet One. I hope that this is just the beginning of a year filled with joy and good health.
Gooooo Steelers!!!!
Happy Birthday to you !!!!
I'd sing, but people throw shoes at me... :)
Did you get a cake????
Came here from Martha's to wish you a very Happy Birthday.
Was sent over via Martha's blog.. hoping you have a wonderful birthday... enjoy!!!
Hi, yes, another one sent by Martha! She asked friends to come by and you know, when Martha asks for something, you do it! Happy Birthday! (and I say go Steelers, too!) Cindy
Another one from Martha's here to wish you a very happy birthday and many more of them! Jeannette xx
To EVERYONE that came over to wish me a Happy Birthday!!! I thank you!! What a sweet surprise. Thanks Martha!!!!
Well, a very Happy Bday to you!! (from Martha...AND me)
I'm gonna hit the big 48 in October.
Anyway, have a wonderful day..
I'm late with the wishes, but no less sincere...hope your birthday was grand and the year ahead is superb!
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