Monday, September 8, 2008

"Peace and Quiet"

I haven't made an entry in a week. I want to come over and share my thoughts but either I am too busy, too tired, or too distracted lately.
School has really heated up and I have so much to do to stay caught up. There are still the every day mundane things that need caring for and there is a need to keep on top of things that are concerning the boys.
My little man has a science project that is due next Monday. We will work on it this weekend. This past weekend was spent on homework, housework, and getting a spot of rest. I have my first major test on Wednesday in math and I will be studying that intensely for the next 48 hours. I have a history quiz tomorrow but am not very worried about that.
All day today, I have been thinking about cocooning. I just want to go into my room, shut the door, turn on a lamp and read. I don't want to go out or do anything. I just want to stay in and do nothing. It could be the weather, it could be me. Either way, I just want to cocoon.
We were under a Tornado Watch for a bit earlier this afternoon. The clouds did get very dark, the wind picked up, it was lightning and thundering a bit, and it rained hard for just a few minutes. It is still drizzling. Whatever it was seemed to have passed over us very quickly. I am glad for that. Tornadoes scare the heck out of me and there have been quite a few in surrounding areas over the years. We have been fortunate when they have touched down in our own area. While I wasn't feeling the tornado, I was hoping that we would get a good hard rain that would stick around for a bit.  
I am REALLY looking forward to the "REAL" beginning of Fall and Winter. I am not just looking forward to the cooler weather, I am also looking forward to what goes along with the change. There are usually less people on the streets, things just seem to quiet down a bit.  I feel the need for quiet right now.
I find myself seeking out tranquil little corners in the library. I look for secret little holes so that I can disappear into them. I simply crave them right now. I feel the need for anonymity.
I look forward to steaming  pots of soup,  doing more baking, and lots and lots of books to savor. No frills, nothing spectacular, just a slow paced retreat. Ahhh, there is NOTHING better than simplicity. Unless of course you are sharing that simplicity with someone you love.
But for now, I will put my reverie to rest.It is on to studying and preparing for the test. I hope everyone is off to the start of a good week. Keep it simple, and make it count. Till the next time


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean by wanting to cocoon. I love when the weather gets brisk and then eventually cold. There is nothing like keeping cozy under a thick blanket and reading a book that you just can't put down. That is unless as you mentioned, you are sharing that experience with the one you love. Heaven.
Hope you guys dodge the tornados. Good luck for Wednesday's test!

Anonymous said...

Cocooning has always been attractive  to me.  I love alone time and I never do like going out around a lot of folks.  But, we must keep moving on  :-)

You're going to do just fine on your tests.  You will, I just know it.

Have a fabulous day, my friend,


Anonymous said...

I don't know how I missed this entry yesterday. Cocooning sounds wonderful, especially with all the hurricane-ish weather we're having here this evening -- but, I'm on a totally different mind set right now, I have to stay in "Taz" mode. Congrats again on the quiz today and best of luck with the test - you can do it!!
Martha :-)

Anonymous said...

I don't know how I missed this entry yesterday. Cocooning sounds wonderful, especially with all the hurricane-ish weather we're having here this evening -- but, I'm on a totally different mind set right now, I have to stay in "Taz" mode. Congrats again on the quiz today and best of luck with the test - you can do it!!
Martha :-)