Today was the first day back to school. Back to early mornings and early bedtimes. For the most part things went off without a hitch. I was half expecting to have to drag bodies off the mattresses, but it wasn’t necessary.
The boys didn’t seem excited or disappointed. I guess they had just resigned themselves to the fact that summer break is over and once again, it is time to hit the books.
(Yes, it is that dark when the first farm hand...erm child gets on the bus)
(And then there was light!!)
Snazzy New Kicks.
Once I got the boys off to school, I went out into the garden to do an early morning watering. I did my daily inspection and took care of whatever needed tending.
The plants are looking much better after shifting some of them to shadier spots and a good watering.
I am beginning to see some color in the garden. The theme seems to be red:
Things are looking better.
Even my potatoes are starting to bud:
And speaking of red, that is where these school lists seem to putting the old checkbook. I have two supply lists to take care of this weekend. I went into my stock-up bin and was able to get a few things out of there, but with three of us in school, obviously I have not been replenishing it enough. Therefore, it is time for a stock-up while some of the things are still on sale.
Also it is time to re-stock my meats and some smaller items. I cannot believe that it has already been a month since I stocked the freezer. There are a few meats still there, but not enough to last for more than a week. I love stocking up. Some like a day at the spa, I stock-up!!
There is just something fulfilling about a freezer, a pantry, and shelves all stocked with food and other necessities.
I got both my Algebra and History books on yesterday. Two books were 190 dollars and one was used!!! Thank goodness that we can use a portion of our student loans in advance to get our materials.
Then there was the car trouble yesterday that fortunately I was able to take care of. That was an episode all in itself.
Today was a big day for paperwork too. Let me tell you, I HATE PAPERWORK!!!! But, it is a necessary evil so I knocked it out while the boys were at school. I got bills paid, filed away necessary papers, filled out the various school forms for the children and organized the remainder of the bills by due date. It was a BIG relief to see the basket go down and finally empty out.
I am thankful that summer will soon be ending, but I am going to miss the ability to not to “have” to be somewhere as well as a more laid-back schedule. I have to start going over my Algebra and getting my things prepared for school now. I am still under the “Math” 8 ball, but am just going to dig my heels in and do the very best that I can.
Back to school always reminds me of the closeness of fall and things quieting down. This year for me, it brings the addition of planning my fall crop and a harvest of things already planted. Academically, it means a fresh start and further achievements.
I will miss the lazy(more like hazy, crazy, humid) days of summer but it is time to say goodbye and head back to the books and a fresh dose of reality.
Till next time……
The boys (farm-hands) look so sweet while they are waiting for the bus. I remember feeling both excitement and sadness the first day of school.
The farm is lookin' good!
Sorry that your summer is ending as well but look what you accomplished.
Ahh, nothing beats those back to school first day photos - glad all went well. Things in the garden are looking great! I'm with you on the stock up compared to a day at the spa (she said with the new red hair), I now cut the guys hair and do my own, big $avings! You'll be fine, I know you aren't looking forward to the whole routine again but like I mentioned last night, thinking about it is worse than doing it!
FM :-)
Everything is looking very nice in the garden. Your boys look sharp and ready to go. They may not seem excited but they know what they have to do. :-)
Paperwork can be a nemesis. I set aside every single Saturday morning and spend an hour or two doing my finances. Yes, it does feel good when it's all done.
I'm still working on my Costco list and I agree stocking up is a good thing.
Have a great day, my friend
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